So I came back from Indiana today and on the way home the movie Julie and Julia was on. I got excited because I had heard good things and I wanted to see it, plus I figured I have time to kill so let's watch it. I must admit, I was disappointed. It just wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I didn't really find the "blogger" character that funny. Maybe we don't share a sense of humor but I just wasn't digging it. I did like the stuff about Julia Child because I remember watching her show when I was a kid. I really disliked the ending too. It seemed like it just stopped. There was a little bit of a conclusion but I just didn't think it was enough.
Anyways, after that rant I wanted to make something simple for dinner and I didn't have time to go to the grocery store so I threw this together with what I had in the fridge. This is a big benefit of having a well stocked fridge/pantry, you can throw together meals pretty much whenever.
1/2 cup brown rice
2 cups chicken stock
5 shrimp
handful of frozen green beans
parmesan cheese (optional garnish)
1. place a pat of butter in a sauce pan and melt. Add rice and toast for about a minute.
2. Add chicken stock. You want the liquid level to reach about half you thumb nail above the rice. Be careful measuring this because pan/liquid can be hot!
3. Allow rice to cook about 15 minutes or according to package directions.
4. Thaw shrimp (if frozen) and saute in a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Cook about a minute per side.
5. When rice is finished throw in frozen green beans, a little more butter, and a pinch of salt. Stir together over really low heat until green beans are warm. Add shrimp and plate. Sprinkle a litle parmesan cheese on top to garnish and add more flavor.
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