This is my first cast iron skillet. I've wanted one since I started high school but it just never happened. I always new that I could cook great steaks on it and even bake in it but I never got one. I've had just about every other pot, pan, spatula, strainer and even dumpling cutter that I've ever needed, except for this one pan.
But now, I have this pan. And I couldn't be happier. Whenever you buy a new cast iron anything you need to cure it. If you cure it right, it can last a lifetime. And it's easy!
1. preheat oven to 250 degrees
2. lube up your pan with bacon fat
3. bake pan for 15 minutes.
4. remove pan and pour out any extra grease and then bake for another 2 hours
This process just means that you need to eat a good amount of bacon which for me is never a problem. There's been lots of bacon and eggs with carmelized onion and fried egg sandwiches.
I'm very excited to have my own kitchen for the first time. I can put things anywhere I want and stock up any food and spices. It's just so cool to get to make all the decisions. I've been following one of Alton Brown's (food network chef) rules: there's only one uni-tasker in the kitchen and it's the fire extinguisher. This just means that I don't buy silly specialty tools that I can only use to make one meal. (only exception to this might be a dumpling cutter but I think I can get creative with it and find another purpose).
As most cooks know, there's nothing like a good pan. Or a good kitchen for that matter. And I can't wait to use my good kitchen to make some delicious new food!
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Sous, Michael and I have a pan like this - actually 6 pans but one in particular that we take camping that can fry fresh fish up to 2 pounds! The curing is key and are they every the best when they are done right - we use ours all the time - great for corn bread baking too! yum yum