These are the same cookies I've been making since I was in elementary school. I first had to make them with my mom since she didn't trust me to do it alone. After a few times I tried making the dough by myself so I could eat some. I threw some of the ingredients I remembered into a bowl like eggs, flour, butter, and sugar then ate the resulting concoction. I can still taste that horribleness in my mouth haha.
Since then I've learned that recipes are important. When it comes to baking you have to get the right ingredients in the right proportion for it to come out right. This particular recipe comes from the back of the nestle toll house semi-sweet chocolate chip bag.
My tips on the recipe:
1. cream the butter, sugars, and vanilla until it is lighter and fluffy
2. sift the dry ingredients for a less dense batter
3. when baking rotate pans halfway through cooking. top to bottom and back to front (no, that's not a rap song haha)
4. Making lots of cookies and have few pans? Put dough onto parchment paper and when one batch is done, switch the parchments but keep the same pan.
This is a great recipe to try when first starting out baking. It teaches you a few of the skills that are needed for more complex desserts.
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