This is a classic that can be really good or just plain awful and we all have a memory attached to it. Mine includes mimi's cafe, free bread and Renee haha. This is a great salad to serve since almost everyone likes it, well except renee hahaha!
Serve with a good green lettuce, especially romaine, but feel free to make some other additions. You can add some roasted chicken or shrimp into your salad. You can even put it into a large warm tortilla and take it on the road for a portable and healthy lunch/snack. This recipe will make 2-3 servings so put into a squeeze bottle, old dressing bottle, or even tuperware and keep in the fridge. It'll last about a week or two.
4tbs reduced fat mayonnaise
1 clove of garlic, finely minced
1 lemon, zested and juiced
2 tablespoons anchovy paste, this sounds gross but trust me, it's delicious and if you've had caesar salad before like in a restaurant, then you've already had some so try it!
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, a few handfuls
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon coarse black pepper
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, pour to the count of 4
1. Combine all ingredients, except oil, into a blender and mix for 3o seconds or until really well combined.
2. With the mixer on, slowly pour in the oil until dressing is consistency you like.
3. Pour and toss onto romaine. For a tradional caesar, add some extra grated parmesan on top and some croutons.
it's funny that caesar salad reminds you of mimi's cafe and renee because that's exactly what i think of too.